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Dr. 布鲁克的天堂 (they/them/their) joins the Skidmore community with over a decade of experience in High Education at multiple institutions, most recently being the Associate Dean of Residential Experiences at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. 布鲁克 has an undergraduate degree in biology and chemistry from Castleton University, a master’s in health sciences from Sage Graduate School, and a Doctorate from the University 新英格兰教育领导学. 

布鲁克 plays a key part in the initiatives that address disparities and promote cultural change in 教育al settings with specialties in inclusive leadership and inclusive 卓越. They have taught at Russel Sage College, at both the graduate and undergraduate 并在博士生研究委员会任职. 他们的激情是创造 inclusive 学习 environments and equitable access to 学习 for all students. 布鲁克 has also been active in multiple professional associations, holding numerous 在职业生涯中担任领导职务. 他们致力于专业的支持 发展 for all staff reflects the investments that others made in their growth and 发展, as well as their own personal commitment to their professional 发展 活动. 布鲁克 enjoys coaching and engaging with team members about their professional 发展计划. 布鲁克对学生生活的愿景很大程度上是由他们自己决定的 college experience as a first-generation college student at a small, public institution 从他们作为住宿助理的经验来看. 由于这些和其他 impactful experiences, they see the objective of 学生事务 as helping each student 觉得自己很重要,属于这里. 这种归属的目标对愿景至关重要 并推动该部门的项目、服务和理念的重点. 

When 布鲁克 is not at work, they spend love spending time with their wife, Katie, 以及他们的三个孩子:昆汀、凤凰城和埃佛勒斯. 

校园生活办公室行政助理 & 订婚


玛丽·安得了B.S. 获得纽约州立大学传播学学位 在杂物. 她 joined the Office of 校园生活 in 2011 and is currently the 上片 Coordinator managing all programs both on and off campus for First Year Students. 玛丽·安还创建了一个程序S.O.L.E(大二户外领导经验) 2012年8月推出的. 在回到火博体育工作之前,她工作过 在萨拉托加斯普林斯的华德福学校学习了9年. 玛丽·安 a flight attendant and was able to travel the world extensively after college. 她 has a passion for outdoor 教育 and believes in the effectiveness of experiential 学习. 她花了18个月的时间养了一只导盲犬,这只导盲犬现在已经很成功了 俄亥俄州(如图). 当她工作不忙的时候,她喜欢和她的三个女儿在一起 他们通常在户外活动的地方!


卡洛斯·纳瓦罗(他/他)获得了B.A. 内华达大学心理学博士, Las Vegas and his Masters of Education in Postsecondary Administration for Student 南加州大学的事务部. 


As an undergraduate student, Carlos was involved in a variety of leadership experiences 比如俱乐部, 希腊生活、荣誉社团、校内和住宿生活. 这种对领导的热情 发展 drove Carlos’ desire to serve as an advisor and administrator in higher 教育. 

Carlos joins us from Nevada State College (NSC) where he served as a 学生生活 协调员3年. 在国家安全委员会,卡洛斯负责监督和支持校园的各个领域 娱乐,俱乐部和组织,学生活动,还有学生会. Carlos还领导和创造了独特的程序,如affinity socials, an e-sports program, podcast series, Lo-Fi Hip-Hop study lounge, outdoor 冒险系列, 和更多的. 
Carlos is looking forward to fostering holistic student experiences, developing students’ 领导技能和 作为学生的盟友. 


副主任 艾米丽·普尔

艾米丽(她)得了B.A. 2017年获得纽约州立大学科特兰分校传播学专业学士学位. Emily is excited to be joining the Skidmore community, especially the 领导活动 办公室. While at Cortland she was a part of student 活动 and planned various 工作日的项目. 那段时间让她发现了自己对活动和领导力的热情 发展. 艾米丽很高兴开始与俱乐部和班级间委员会合作 火博体育的! A fun fact about Emily is that she has seen over 130 concerts; her favorite 是The Lumineers的演唱会!


尼基得到了B.A. 2007年获得纽约州立大学科特兰分校历史教育硕士学位.S. 2009年在宾厄姆顿大学获得民族地理学学位. 尼基最初担任助理 Swimming Coach for Skidmore from 2009-2011 and returned in August of 2015 in the same 位置. 尼基 also teaches Beginning Swimming and Swim for Fitness for the Physical 校园活动部. 在离开火博体育的四年里,尼基一直在服役 作为头部游泳 & 纽约州立大学科布尔斯基尔分校跳水教练/水上运动总监 athletes broke over 50 schools records and won their conference championship during 2015赛季. 尼基期待着为所有人创造一个积极的环境 并渴望与俱乐部的干部和同学们一起工作.



克丽丝 received her Associates Degree in Accounting from Nassau Community College on 长岛,她长大的地方. 克里斯于2001年加入火博体育公司,担任财务主管 advisor to the 学生会 Association as well as all student clubs and organizations. 克丽丝 provides oversight of the student activity fee allocations and expenditures, financial policies and procedures, as well as leadership training on budgeting and finance. 克丽丝 is the primary advisor to the SGA VP of Financial Affairs as well as the advisor 预算及财务委员会委员.



帕克's work with individual faith communities has ranged from preaching to liturgical 为社会正义行动主义起舞. 她还在跨宗教的非营利部门工作 合作促进和平与发展. 帕克的学术工作包括毕业 study in theology and 希伯来语 Bible at Emory University, where she also received her M.Div. 从坎德勒神学院毕业. 她的学位是B.A. 米德尔伯里学院, 她在那里学习宗教和戏剧. 她的研究兴趣包括交叉路口 of religious texts and practice and the impact of archaeology and history on biblical 解释. 帕克是萨拉托加人,他很喜欢回到火博体育社区 靠近阿迪朗达克远足和越野滑雪. 


玛蒂娜·祖贝儿                                                                                                                                      玛蒂娜

玛蒂娜几十年来一直在探索犹太人的习俗. 从一个严厉的反叛 traditional upbringing in the UK  in her youth, living secularly in Israel in the 80年代初,搬到美国.S. 作为一个年轻的母亲,她完全接受了犹太教 a guiding principle for a richly spiritual and intellectually stimulating life. 玛蒂娜 is a keen student of Mussar, and she consistently strives as a Jewish educator to embody the balance between formal and experiential 学习 opportunities. 她是 passionate about exploring life's journey and making a difference, whether she is teaching 希伯来语 in the classroom, leading comparative religion workshops or leading 冥想徒步旅行. 作为ORSL的一部分,玛蒂娜支持火博体育社区 connect spiritually, culturally and/or intellectually in a way that serves each person's unique journey and collaborates with faculty and staff to deepen cross-cultural connections 和欣赏